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PP 004 The Mylan Rant & Alexander Fitzwilliam Hamilton
Rob RANTS about Big Pharma and Mylan, sellers of epipen, and reveals the shocking connection between Alexander Hamilton and Jane Austen. Plus stitch cutters and anemia, all brought to you by the Republic of Palau! BIG PHARMA has done amazing things led by many...
PP 003 Sleep III & The Delaware Pause
The 6 Teen Sleep Commandments and High School start times, Matt's Crocs, preventing eczema, Jon Stewart, and rude doctors and parents, In this episode, we wrap up (for now) our discussion of sleep by covering some topics on many a parent’s Top Ten Frustration list:...
PP 002 Sleep II & Mary Tyler Moore
The history of sleep, sleep hygiene, a Halloween debacle, twisting ticks, shrink-wrapped sweet potatoes and MTM In this episode, Rob and Matt delve back into the issues of infant sleep. But first, we cover the basics. What is sleep? Why do we need it? How has it,...
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