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PP 014 Strep II & Ten Seconds of Stupid
Rob and Matt finish off Strep AND salute Billy on the Street. The Testicle Story, Strep Ani, PANDAS, PFAPA, ADEM, the Mysterious Strep Carrier State, and Teen Code Words. Plus, Peri-tonsillar Abscesses, Rapid Streps & the Elfman, Blood Agar plates AND those 10...
PP 013 Strep I Balalala
The Group A Strep deep dive with extreme Rob/Matt tangents. Jersey Syphilis, pus forming berry ice cream, GAS -don't blame the dog, JHensen & AMozart, S.Furst RIP, The Big Hero Six Fist Bump, NO bedroom smart phones, CULTURE before treatment!, Fusibacterium...
PP 012 Earwax is Lit
All Things Earwax: Genetics - Wet vs Dry, the Q-tip child Injury epidemic, Earwax Aphrodisiacs, Frankincense, Matt gets WOKE and Claps Back, JAS III, Ear Candling AWFUL, the Super Soaker Max-D 5000 ear cleanse, ear thermometers, blaming dad, Main Line balsamic...
PP 011 The Telemedicine RANT
Direct To Consumer Pediatric Telemedicine is #$X&@ terrible (adult oriented urgent care center for kids are not much better). Antibiotics for everyone – antibiotic stewardship destroyed. Rob and Matt expose the fallacy of quality care by phone or video for...
PP 010 Peanuts & Allergic Rhinitis II
Feeding infants peanut products early to PREVENT allergies, Hating Elmo, PP culinary skills, La Bamba, Amish nose sprays, Beanie Babies, BB & B!, allergy meds and much more….. Rob and Matt discuss the new guidelines for introducing peanut products to young infants...
PP 009 Allergic Rhinitis I, Oy Vey!
ALL things Allergy - Clucks, King Richard III, the allergic salute, ENTS are NOT allergists, cockroaches and Father/Rabbi Matt and the Sound of Music. We go all in on Allergic Rhinitis ,from Ancient Egypt and Rome to the birth of modern immunology. We...
PP 008 PooPalooza III & Infant Smart Monitors
Smart phone integrated infant monitors with Pulsoximetry are actually DUMB, with real potential for harm. Matt and Rob finish off PooPalooza with constipation treatments - cleanouts to cure, from enemas to MiraLAX to Ex-Lax. Beware the vacation relapse! Potty...
PP 007 PooPalooza II & MiraLax
Is MiraLax safe? The many faces of constipation, The Bristol Scale, Mr Hanky, encopresis, rectal exams, abdominal x-rays, and The Cheese Grandma! Rob and Matt continue to explore the dark mysteries of the colon. We start by addressing the current controversy of the...
PP 006 PooPalooza I
PooPalooza begins! Newborn and Infant BMs, constipation, the mystery of Elvis's bowels, why poop stinks, a salute to Journalism, the Mutter Museum and Lincoln Logs. Rob and Matt cover poop from soup to nuts, The names, the colors, the smells, and the constipation...
PP 005 Milk & Movies
Comparing Cow milk to plant based milk-like beverages, ugly cow A2 milk, does low-fat milk cause weight gain, cheese whiz, and our annual PP Oscars wrap-up. Rob and Matt explore all things milk and answer your burning milk based questions. Should the word milk even...
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