by | May 12, 2017 | Podcast
ALL things Allergy – Clucks, King Richard III, the allergic salute, ENTS are NOT allergists, cockroaches and Father/Rabbi Matt and the Sound of Music. We go all in on Allergic Rhinitis ,from Ancient Egypt and Rome to the birth of modern immunology....
by | Apr 30, 2017 | Podcast
Smart phone integrated infant monitors with Pulsoximetry are actually DUMB, with real potential for harm. Matt and Rob finish off PooPalooza with constipation treatments – cleanouts to cure, from enemas to MiraLAX to Ex-Lax. Beware the vacation relapse! Potty...
by | Apr 28, 2017 | Podcast
Is MiraLax safe? The many faces of constipation, The Bristol Scale, Mr Hanky, encopresis, rectal exams, abdominal x-rays, and The Cheese Grandma! Rob and Matt continue to explore the dark mysteries of the colon. We start by addressing the current controversy of the...
by | Apr 19, 2017 | Podcast
PooPalooza begins! Newborn and Infant BMs, constipation, the mystery of Elvis’s bowels, why poop stinks, a salute to Journalism, the Mutter Museum and Lincoln Logs. Rob and Matt cover poop from soup to nuts, The names, the colors, the smells, and the...
by | Apr 8, 2017 | Podcast
Comparing Cow milk to plant based milk-like beverages, ugly cow A2 milk, does low-fat milk cause weight gain, cheese whiz, and our annual PP Oscars wrap-up. Rob and Matt explore all things milk and answer your burning milk based questions. Should the word milk even...
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