Special Double Bonus Episode! The boys move downward to finish this PenisPalooza. Glowing Scrotal Christmas Ornaments, , Bozo is dead!, Cryptorchidism, the SCARY testicle Story, Virgil Livers and testicular fractures, YES they retract & shrink, Teen Addictions:Juuling & Fortnite , New Jersey Bag o’ Worms, Jocelyn Elders vs Clinton revisited,  Orchiodometer Necklace,  The Tooth Fairy, Wonderama/Al Alberts/Captain Noah & Sally Starr, The Bozos of Boston, Bone age YES – routine vitamin D and insulin levels NO,  Mumps is BACK, Pearly Papules of the Penis and Pediatric Erectile Dysfunction.

Bibliography Penis

Coming up:  Summer Rashes and Scoliosis.      See y’all at Disney –  Hot Topics in Pediatrics  July 26-28
