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PP5 052 CoVid Days & SARS Farts
Rob and Matt are getting a bit tired and stressed out about COVID-19. We talk testing, masks, and some non-Covid stuff like Acute Flaccid Myelitis and Benadryl. For gosh sakes, please cover your noses!
Podcast Pediatricians on TV Update
PP5 051 CoVid Days – Schools & Sports
Matt and Rob discuss the CoVid19 pediatric testing dance plus opening schools and youth sports. Also, ADHD video game treatments and IV fluid Boomers. Black Lives Matter.
PP4 050 CoVid Days & Springsteen
Apologies to Bruce. Rob and Matt discuss pandemic office pediatrics and cover the pediatric Kawasaki-like shock syndrome, innate immunity & BCG/OPV, plus Drs Phil and Oz.
PP4 049 MY CORONA Day 29 & The Tiger King
Matt and Rob cover all things pediatric COVID19 – it’s getting quiet in the office. Plus, a mini Dr. Oz rant
Podcast Pediatricians WHYYTV 12 Let the mocking begin. Thanks Shirley!
PP4 048 MY CORONA! Day 15
Rob sans Matt on Office Pediatrics another week into the Pandemic, getting ready for the surge. Watch us on TV this Thursday, April 2 at 7 PM on WHYYTV 12 You Oughta Know!
PP4 047 MY CORONA! Day 8
Rob and Matt Report from the front lines of the pediatric office during the early days of the Corona Pandemic. The world kinda turned upside down and so we sing and butcher Bohemian Rhapsody. You must be wearing full PPEs to listen to this podcast.
PP4 046 MY CORONA!! virus
Matt and Rob go all in on the Novel Coronavirus, Covid19 and children. From historical perspectives to the nitty-gritty issues of pediatric care at the cusp of this pandemic. We insist that you wash your hands before listening to this podcast.
PP4 045 Pimples II & Pepe Le Pew
Rob and Matt dive into pimple treatments, from Proactiv to Accutane. PLUS Girl Scout cookie reviews, heavy metal baby foods, Autism treatments, and we call out Pepe Le Pew.
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