Recent Shows
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PP6 060 Headaches I & Boogers
Matt and Rob begin their EPIC two part series on pediatric headaches. ENT pearls plus bougie Matt is fancy like that!
PP6 059 CoVid Days Again & Tummyaches
Rob and Matt talk all things Covid : Omicron, vaccines and the ever-changing CDC guidelines. PLUS Gluten FODMAPS and Bellyaches
PP6 The Seven Questions for Teens
Rob covers 7 key questions to ask teens in your office (or your house) from Hot Topics Pediatrics Disney World
PP6 058 Spitty Babies & Covid Days Again
We are back! But sadly, so is COVID-19. Vaccine and mask mandates, NOT reflux and picky eaters.
PP5 057 ADHD Finale & Meat Loaf
COVID-19 vaccine skeptics, Calvin and Hobbes plus all things ADHD meds. See you at Hot Topics in Pediatrics Disney World in July!
PP5 056 ADHD & COVID Vaccines
Matt and Rob tackle ADHD despite our short attention spans PLUS all things COVID-19 vaccines, Carson Wentz and Vodka Negroni
PP5 055 Eczema II & CovIdiots
Rob and Matt conclude eczema and food allergy treatments plus DOCTOR Jill Biden AND we sing Christmas songs
PP5 054 Eczema I & Muhammad Ali
Matt and Rob (Matt a bit tinny by Zoom) kick off our epic two part eczema series. We also talk Covid-19 testing, Covid-19 vaccines and pandemic canoodling.
Podcast Pediatricians on TV: Pandemic This is from an early October TV interview on the pandemic. The advice is still pretty similar now, but my favorite part is that over my right shoulder is Bozo, Mr Bill, A blow up Scream by Edvard Munch and, of course, Jane Austen. Many...
PP5 053 CoVid Days & ROY Warren Seminar
Rob sans Matt discusses managing return to school and day care for ill children during the pandemic AND a possible answer to the burning pediatric question of why kids seem to be much more immune than adults. We shamelessly promote the upcoming all virtual pediatric...
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