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PP9 Apple Juice, Rectal Ibuprofen & The Iggles
Matt and Rob talk Super Bowl, RFK Jr, School Cell Phones, High(er) dose cetirizine and YES Apple Juice for kids can be good but honey is better! (and yes Matt’s microphone was broken). Happy Wedding!
PP9 069 Top Articles, Allergies & Sir Studley
Springsteen Nelson and Dylan, Cancer Juice, Amoxicillin De-labeling, Food Allergy Gamechanger, FPIES, The Steroid Inhaler Shortage National Disgrace. We missed you.
PP8 068 Genetics & She said YES!
Rob and Matt deep dive genetic testing and future universal whole exome newborn screening. Rob popped the question, Covid boosters, continued tongue tie controversies, Down Syndrome guidelines and Skibidi Toilet.
PP8 067 Sugar Sugar & KelceSwift
Matt and Rob tackle Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in kids. Not-for-Profit Hospital hypocrisy, the END of adult physical exams as we know them, the Retrievals fertility clinic horror, Phenylephrine RIP, RSV shots, One Hit wonders, Red October, and the Tush Push. J E T S...
PP8 066 Goiters and Gumby
Rob and Matt discuss new RSV injections, BARBIE, chatbots, tympanostomy tubes, ear cameras, AND all things thyroid plus Gumby, but never Pokey
PP7 065 There Will Be Blood
Matt and Rob discuss the holy land , masks. COVID Vaccines, Bugs & Drugs, BLEEDING, Anemias and Iron Deficiency . Plus Bruce and Tay Tay
PP7 064 Fats, Football & (yellow) Fever
Rob and Matt discuss pediatric hyperlipidemia and preventative cardiology. Plus Dr Benjamin Rush, Mediterranean diet, and we lightly touch on the new obesity guidelines (body positivity/unfunded mandate? VS long overdue? MORE LATER!
PP7 063 Tripledemic, Guns & Dermatopalooza II
Matt and Rob riff on the Tripledemic and gun violence and finish our epic Dermatopalooza. Happy Holidays!Next up: Asthma
PP7 062 Dermatopalooza I & The Lotus Birth
Matt and Rob are back and so are the undefeated Iggles and the shocking playoff Phillies! We are talking dermatology and yes - taking the placenta home with you.
PP6 061 Migraines & Monkeypox
Rob and Matt finish their epic headache migraine series focusing on treatments. We also cover Monkeypox, Covid vaccines for babies, Will Smith and Matt gets electric shock therapy LIVE.
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