PP3 032 POTSpourri & Doc McStuffins

PP3 032 POTSpourri & Doc McStuffins Matt and Rob cover highlights from Hot Topics in Pediatrics 2018 Disney World. All Things POTS, Concierge Doc McStuffins, Heavy Metal Baby Cereal, FREE medical school tuition – Hallelujah! , ZOOM, Bert LOVES Ernie, Even a...

PP2 031 Scoliosis II & King Richard III

Rob and Matt wrap up Scoliosis discussing treatments: braces vs surgery vs nothing, The BillBlanket Scandal – NOT a Harry Potter Mystery, Ridiculous new mom lactation consult rationing, PA & WV are choking DE, toddler digital dependence, chiropractic medicine...

PP2 030 Scoliosis I & Buffy

Matt and Rob stroll down the twisty scoliosis road. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis,  EOS rules! , Cobb Angles, United Kingdom snobby docs, Don’t Dis Grandma, Pistachio Gelato & Quebec Maple Creams, Jerry Lewis Walks On, VACTERL anomalies, the Dupont Institute’s...

PP2 028 Prickly Poison Rashes & Goat Yoga

Matt and Rob cover summertime rashes. Prickly heat, Poison Ivy & Uma Thurman, and Hot Tub Folliculitis. Goat yoga, Boudleaux & Matilda Bryant, Swimmers Itch – Snails and Nematocysts, & Mainline Pseudomonas. Up Next:  Sunburns and Photodermatoses...

PP2 027 Penis II & BOZO Choosing Wisely

Special Double Bonus Episode! The boys move downward to finish this PenisPalooza. Glowing Scrotal Christmas Ornaments, , Bozo is dead!, Cryptorchidism, the SCARY testicle Story, Virgil Livers and testicular fractures, YES they retract & shrink, Teen...