PP2 020 Nosebleeds & Dope

Matt and Rob go deep nose diving for blood. Plus, legalizing recreational marijuana for adults is horrible for kids and teens. Rob and Matt’s childhood fistfights, Delicious New Baby Smell, Yoga Nasal Poses,  the Nasal Cycle, Long Island & Mainline Nose Jobs, Drs....

PP2 019 Short Shot: TOYS!!

Our First Short Shot: TOYS! – Hall of Famers, NEVER Wake Daddy, Matt’s Mystery Dates, Rob’s NU Barbie, Fit Pregnancy Magazine, Weebles vs. Little People, Matt’s extensive Animal Figurine Collection, SCRATCH coding for kids, Middle School Twister, Slinky! &...

PP2 018 Croup & The Jersey Devil

Season 2!  Rob and Matt Bark through Scary Croup, Jersey Devil Piney Power and SpaghettiOs. The Parinfluenza Virus, steroid controversies, kindergarten straws, Russian Diphtheria, Bewitched & That Girl, Croup Tents, Thumbnails versus Steeples, Springsteen and the...

PP 017 Season 1 Finale!

Matt and Rob revisit Season 1 with updates & listener feedback. Plus, we sing. Kardashian placentas, school start times, infant room sharing, Toulouse, green juice, dissing Delaware, Pharma’s Lord Voldemort, Pinworms, The Anxiety Epidemic & Smart Phones, Plant...

PP 016 Hot Pearls II Butterbeer

Rob & Matt finish Hot Topic Pearls. We BOTH do not support the AAP child lipid screening recs AND love stool for calprotectin.  Plus, Nauseous Anxiety, POTS, Infant GE reflux meds/PPIs, apple cider vinegar, Matt’s Butterbeer rant, Rob vs legal pot, Riboflavin for...

PP 015 Hot Pearls I – Disney

Matt and Rob share pearls from July’s Hot Topics in Pediatrics 2017 in Disney World. A Cornucopia of Random Pediatric Topics:  Meningococcal type B vaccine, Office toddler vision screening, non-vaxxers, phantom fevers, teen tampon troubles, fluoride varnish, the...