by | Jun 25, 2018 | Podcast
Rob and Matt’s Special Summer Sun Extravaganza. Sunscreen Scandals and the FDA, Melanoma Rising & ABCD mole checks, UVA vs UVB and SPF, Matt’s Sad Sunburn Saga, “Healthy Tans” and Coco Chanel, Delaware/Jersey Shore Helmetless Sunburned Youth, Cancer...
by | Jun 4, 2018 | Podcast
Matt and Rob cover summertime rashes. Prickly heat, Poison Ivy & Uma Thurman, and Hot Tub Folliculitis. Goat yoga, Boudleaux & Matilda Bryant, Swimmers Itch – Snails and Nematocysts, & Mainline Pseudomonas. Up Next: Sunburns and Photodermatoses...
by | May 15, 2018 | Podcast
Special Double Bonus Episode! The boys move downward to finish this PenisPalooza. Glowing Scrotal Christmas Ornaments, , Bozo is dead!, Cryptorchidism, the SCARY testicle Story, Virgil Livers and testicular fractures, YES they retract & shrink, Teen...
by | May 1, 2018 | Podcast
Rob and Matt tackle all things Penis in Pediatrics. Circumcisions A-to-Z: methods, advantages, complications, and controversies. Pediatricians should know PrEP!, Macaroons and Matzah, Privates/WeeWees and the Tinkler, The Icelandic Penis Museum & Circumcision Ban,...
by | Mar 13, 2018 | Podcast
Matt and Rob cover everything Pets & Pediatrics. Dogs (and sometimes Cats) help our Mind, Body, and Soul. We also sing. A lot. Emotional Support Pets, Direwolves, Patti Page, Cat Scratch Fever, Cat and Dog bites, Rabies and Zoonoses, Best Breeds for kids, Cartoon...
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