About Us
We are two community pediatricians, friends and affable antagonists, who LOVE practicing pediatrics, despite the exhaustion of battling insurance companies and 3 am phone calls. With over 50 years of combined pediatric experience, we are eager to share what we know and think with anyone with an interest in understanding and promoting the interests of children, including savvy parents, fellow pediatricians, family docs, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pediatric nurses, and anyone with children or who cares for children.
All of us are inundated with studies and advice from all directions. Our mission is to help navigate the noise to find the best common sense practices to recommend for the well-being of infants, children, teenagers, and young adults of generation wifi. We cover common childhood problems and topics, interview experts in the field, share “pearls”, and dole out some parental advice. There will inevitably be some social commentary, rants (we love a good rant) and a few wild tangents. Pop culture, music, history, sports, and anything else we can discuss, debate, mock, and occasionally agree upon, is fair game. We welcome comments, suggestions, pearls and more from our audience to share through our website podcastpediatricians.com.